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Featured companies

P.P.H.U. DOLAMEX more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Gdańsk
Street: Mazurska 6
Phone: +48 58 3427799
Fax: +48 58 5221357
Firm Rank: 0
Dolamex has been established in 1990. Since then we have created image of the company, achieved experience and improved effects of our activity. We are pleased to meet new customers and flexible for your suggestions in order to improve the service of our customers. This gives you a warranty of our reliability, high quality products and continuous supplies. Our prices are also very attractive.[...]

Przedsiębiorstwo STOFF more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Lesser Poland
City: Kraków
Street: Fatimska 41a/501
Phone: +48 12 6498216
Fax: +48 12 6401540
Firm Rank: 0
Founded in 1991, the Company has been in operation since 1995 as a civil partnership of two owners and company employees, ranging from designers and engineers to assembly and warehouse staff. Our business is design, development, manufacture and sales of professional shoe cleaning and polishing equipment. Our equipment making uses only know-how developed entirely by our Company, and we mean both materials used and the end-products. The top quality of our equipment is the fruit of our experience[...]

Polskie Centrum Metaloplastyki Barossa more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Halinów
Street: Hipolitowska 102
Phone: +48 22 7838728
Fax: +48 22 4896102
Firm Rank: 0
We are polish family company estabilished in 1985. We offer good quality products for a low price. Such as : medals, numbers, school shields, coins etc.[...]

Cotton House more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Lublin
City: Lubartów
Street: Wierzbowa 87
Phone: +48 081 8554324
Fax: +48 081 8554599
Firm Rank: 0
Our company specializes in the following areas: * preparing and sewing light clothing for babies and children, * preparing and sewing light clothing for adults, * the offer for hotels and restaurants, * the project and production of promotion items and light private label clothing (promotional. History The activity on the area of preparing and sewing cloths has lasted since year 1993. Cotton House company was established in 2002. Two years ago the company moved to its own building with[...]

Higma Service Sp. z o. o. more [polish] [english]

Country: Poland
Region: Opole
City: Opole
Street: Gosławicka 2
Phone: +48 077 4022050
Fax: +48 077 4022050
Firm Rank: 0
Dear All Our company Higma Service has existed on the market since 1998. Main Office and Logistic Center is located in Opole. We are proud to be well know brand since many years. The reason why we achieve our market position is because we cooperate only with world best brands like TORK, Vermop and JohnsonDiversey which we are an uthorized distributor. Our offer include all articles and products for keeping hygiene standards on higest level and for profesional cleaning as well. We offer[...]

OLAND Olszewski Andrzej more

Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Michałów Reginów
Street: Leśna 10 A
Phone: +48 22 7849019
Fax: +48 22 7840307
Firm Rank: 0
Od początku swojego istnienia (od 1991 roku) OLAND zajmuje się dystrybucją najwyższej jakości produktów służących utrzymaniu czystości. Jesteśmy autoryzowanym dystrybutorem firmy TORK oraz importerem ze Szwecji wyrobów firm MONLYCKE i KATRIN. Zajmujemy się również produkcją specjalistycznych preparatów myjących, takich jak płyn do odtłuszczania OLAND BLUE TURBO czy pasta do mycia brudnych rąk OLAND WIÓRKI Preparaty do bezdotykowego mycia samochodów OLAND BEZDOTYK i[...]

HEUTE Service Sp. z o.o. more

Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa
Street: Wałowicka 19 A
Phone: +48 22 8636471
Fax: +48 22 8730351
Firm Rank: 0
HEUTE Service oferuje atrakcyjny system dzierżawy i serwisu maszyn czyszczaco - polerujących obuwie. Firma w swojej ofercie posiada maszynę do bezdotykowego foliowania obuwia, która zabezpiecza przed wnoszeniem brudu i rozprzestrzenianiem się kurzu. Jak działa urządzenie możemy obejrzeć na: Natomiast pełen asortyment można zobaczyć na :[...]


Country: Poland
Region: Lesser Poland
City: Kraków
Street: Zacisze 16/8
Phone: +48 12 6254364
Firm Rank: 0
PROJEKTUJEMY WNĘTRZA I MEBLE stworzymy dla Ciebie projekt i dopilnujemy realizacji: kuchni, łazienki, kominka, krzesła, kubeczka i szczoteczki ;-) PROJEKTUJEMY: mieszkania, domy, rezydencje, sklepy, restauracje, hotele, biura, obiekty usługowe i handlowe. Projektujemy architekturę ściśle powiązaną z wnętrzem, funkcją i na najwyższym poziomie.[...]